I’m new to your writing Kerri but I just wanted to say that I’m currently reading your first book during these final days of the year, in a thin place of my own as I wait for menstrual cycle to begin again. The way you write is breathtakingly, achingly beautiful, every page is so rich with meaning.

I finished writing the first draft of my own memoir just a few months ago and I only hope it will be received half as well as yours has been ♥️

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Thank you for this, Kerri. Beautiful food for thought. You write in such a way as I can almost envision the scene in front of me - the details like naming the birds, the porridge for breakfast.

This was my favourite part:

"Who am I to dull down this desire in him—so insistent as to be a need — to check on the five creatures I understand, listening to the relief in his young voice— he has been worried about. How could he know they would make it through this day that started with him burying a frozen bird? How could I know? When did I forget to care in this way?"

It really spoke to me, and reminded me - the thought that I was once a child like that, so singularly focused on seeing the horsies, or whoever it be. The worry, then the relief.

The reminder that there was a time when impermanence was a concept beyond our understanding but that maybe the inkling is naturally there, he doesn't understand yet about what to expect when he wakes up, whether who he loved last night will still be there this morning.

And, now, in hindsight, the realisation that we're so rarely immersed in the minutiae like that, totally focused on something in nature, something that matters probably more than most things we worry about.

Sorry for such a long response- your words just always dislodge something in me (in a good way!), and I feel compelled to share the feelings that came with that

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Dear Kerri,

I have only recently discovered your earth mama magick and I am loving it all, resonating with it all!

Thin Places accompanies me everywhere I go in the hope I may find a moment or two in those in-between spaces to read a bit more.

I am trying hard to not devour it though but rather to savour it all word by word.

I too have been and continue to be healed by this beautiful earth, and she has always been my solace.

I listened to you on 'How I write' and love how real you are and I enjoyed listening to how you go about making your own special magick.

Now in my sixth decade I am slowing down my career of healing and picking up the pen. Finally.

Much love to you and your lil family.

Tracey x

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