May 22Liked by Kerri ní Dochartaigh

Hi Kerri, how do we join tomorrows Moss Mother Moon? Sorry, I somehow seem to have missed this. It all seems very exciting. Sounds like you have found your calling. 💕

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I feel very honoured and grateful to be in this place dear Ali. What’s your email ? 💗

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Here's to finding your way back to the girl that called last summer 💛

So beautiful Kerri, thank you.

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Beautiful. And I could just fall into that photo of the bay 💙🩵

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It’s such a special place x

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We’re heading into winter where I am, so I’m trying to put my energy into listening to my body, to try and make more room for rest and for play in writing and in the other parts of my life. To allow myself to give in to the urge to hibernate (as much as life allows) as the weather gets colder but also to get myself out into the fresh air - even when it’s very fresh and much easier to stay indoors!

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Yes! Listening to our needs seasonally is so powerful x

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Encantory way with words, thank you

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Thanks for this 🙏

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Kerri, last night you came to me in my dreams! I was telling you that you had introduced me to the word 'matrescence'. Which is true! And, a word that I can't stop thinking about. This morning I woke to your post. It is so wonderful to hear that you are leaning in to what you need to do.

My ancestors came from the west coast of Ireland (around Donegal, I think). Reading your words and seeing your pictures touches my soul as I imagine my kin walking those same paths. Thank you so much for sharing xx

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Oh wow this was so gorgeous and powerful to read on long levels! So much love to you 💙

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So wonderful all of this Kerri. I too have felt the shift out of the cocoon really since I began to sense the softness of May. I feel as though I spent winter dreaming, spring in discomfort of the in-between and now committed to growth. I hope some of the dreams start to take shape soon. Thank you for sharing your brave and tender heart xx

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Thanks for your tender and truthful heart, always x

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"Instead of fearing the uncertainty and the shifting sands, I want to lean right in."

Thank you for your courage 💗🙏

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Growing this summer: My heart, certainly, and with it my sense of direction after a long period of disruption. My writing. A community of amazing women who I'm guiding through a seasonal herbal course. My hope.

Soul-solacing post and wonderful question.

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All of this is pure joy and solace for me to read ❤️

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